1.24hr(少于一天)没有。也就是说理论上那种温哥华去Seattle/Bellingham当天回来的是不能带东西回来。不过个人经历是从来没有被税过。疫情前每2周去一次Bellingham。This is to the discretion of the officer (看海关心情)
2. 24hr-48hr (多于一天,不超过2天)$200 CAD
3.48hr以上 (2天以上)每人可以$800CAD
You can claim goods worth up to CAN$800 without paying any duty and taxes.You must have the goods with you when you enter Canada.You can bring back up to 1.5 litres of wine or 1.14 litres of alcoholic beverages or up to 8.5 litres of beer.
You can bring back 200 cigarettes, 50 cigars, 200 grams of manufactured tobacco and 200 tobacco sticks.*
Some tobacco products* and alcoholic beverages may be included in your personal exemption.