
2025年1月11日,火焰突然喷射出来,植物燃烧不会突然爆燃,一定是喷射出来了气体,倾斜的火焰,不是风吹的,周围的火焰没有倾斜,1秒钟内的画面,爆燃的速度极快,植物不会有这样的气化速度,火焰上升这么高一定有源源不断的补充燃料。就像火柴棒点燃的瞬间。 On January 11, 2025, the flame suddenly erupted, the plant burning will not suddenly deflagrate, it must be sprayed out of the gas, the inclined flame, not the wind blowing, the surrounding flame is not tilted, the picture within 1 second, the speed of deflagration is extremely fast, the plant will not have such a vaporization speed, the flame rises so high that there must be a steady stream of supplementary fuel. It's like the moment a matchstick is lit.
2025年1月11日,火焰间歇性变化,植物燃烧不会突然间歇性燃烧,一定是喷射出来了气体。火焰在旋转,出现了火龙卷,说明有源源不断的上升气流,而且是倾斜旋转上升气流?上升气流不是外来的,是就地形成的,是燃烧高温造成了空气膨胀。烟气的边缘在变化,是风吹的原因,风力在变化,火焰的轴心没有改变?说明喷射的力量大于风力。 On January 11, 2025, the flame changes intermittently, and the plant burns not suddenly and intermittently, but must have ejected gas. The flames are spinning, and there is a fire tornado, indicating that there is a continuous updraft, and it is an oblique rotating updraft? Updrafts are not foreign, they are formed in situ, and the air expands due to the high temperature of combustion. The edge of the smoke is changing, is it the cause of the wind, the wind is changing, the axis of the flame is not changing? Illustrates that the force of the jet is greater than the force of the wind.
漂浮在草尖与草丛中的火焰,橙色火焰,没有烟气?长时间姿态不变?是什么东西在燃烧?应该是地下冒出来的甲烷在燃烧,就算是“嫌疑犯”也应该实地考察一下吧?为什么没有人相信我的话? Flames floating in the grass tips and grass, orange flames, no smoke? Posture does not change for a long time? What's burning? Methane should be burning from the ground, so even the "suspects" should take a field trip, right? Why didn't anyone believe my words?