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How to Naturally Enhance and Fix a Weak Chin Without Surgery

2024-10-16 12:59:28 评论(1)
Hey, I've been noticing that my chin is a bit weak, and I'm looking for some natural ways to enhance it without going under the knife. Does anyone have any at-home remedies or exercises they've tried that worked? I'm open to anything from skincare tips to facial workouts. Let's share our experiences and see if we can find something that works!
2024-10-17 10:14:35
Stand in a natural standing position with your hands folded at the sternum position. Initially, you can adjust to an open mouth position, then tilt your neck to the maximum, hold for about 30s and feel the stretching sensation in the front of your neck. At this point close your mouth slowly to further intensify the stretch and hold for about 30s. Step 2:
Repeat the previous step, on this basis, respectively, to the left and right rotation of the head, feel the stretch in front of the neck, hold for about 30s.
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