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What Items and Activities Are Banned in China

2024-10-16 12:59:59 评论(1)
Hey everyone, I'm curious about the restrictions in China! I've heard that there are a lot of items and activities that are banned there. Could anyone tell me what some of the most common things are that you can't do or own in China? I'd love to get some insights from those who have experience or know about this topic!
2024-10-17 16:51:35
All kinds of weapons, simulated weapons, ammunition and explosives; counterfeit currencies and counterfeit securities; printed materials, films, photographs, records, movies, audio tapes, video tapes, laser discs, computer storage media and other items harmful to China's politics, economy, culture and morals; all kinds of potent poisons; opium, morphine, heroin, marijuana, and other narcotics and psychotropic substances that can make people addicted to drugs; Animals, plants and their products with dangerous germs, pests and other harmful organisms; food, medicines or other items that are harmful to the health of humans and animals, or come from infected areas, and other items that can spread diseases.
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