Clearblue 是一个常见的孕检品牌,其测试棒的使用方法和结果解读通常是类似的。以下是如何使用 Clearblue 孕检棒并解读结果的步骤: 英文版: How to use a Clearblue pregnancy test: A step-by-step guide:
How long should I wait for the result?How long you need to wait for the results when using a pregnancy test at home depends on the brand and the test. All Clearblue pregnancy tests have a waiting time of 5 minutes or fewer . Some tests also take the anxiety out of this waiting period by offering you a countdown, or you can try our Rapid Detection Test which can give you a positive result as fast as 1 minute if you’re testing from the day of your missed period, however wait 3 minutes to confirm a negative result. How to read a pregnancy testOnce you’ve done your test and you’ve waited for the results, it’s time to understand them. If you want to know how to take a pregnancy test at home, check the instructions for your test first, but you can also read about positive test results and negative test results and what they mean. A digital pregnancy test will spell out your result, usually in words such as ‘Pregnant’ or ‘Not Pregnant’ whereas other tests will show you two lines or a positive symbol to confirm a positive result.
更多参阅:点击阅读 中文版: 1. 开始之前进行妊娠测试前,请务必仔细阅读说明书。 如果你从预计月经来潮的那一天开始测试,那么你可以在一天中的任何时间测试。如果你提前测试,请使用当天的第一次尿液。 测试前不要喝太多液体。 准备测试时,从铝箔包装中取出验孕棒,取下蓝色盖子。立即使用验孕棒。 2. 进行测试将吸收颜色变化的尖端放在尿流中,或者如果你愿意的话,放在收集的尿液样本中仅 5 秒钟。 变色笔尖会立即变成粉红色,表明尿液已被吸收。继续将变色笔尖放在尿液中整整5 秒钟。 等待结果时,保持变色尖端朝下或将妊娠测试棒平放。 3.等待当妊娠测试开始起作用时,您将看到结果和控制窗口中开始出现蓝线。务必等待蓝色控制线出现后再读取结果。 读取结果时,控制窗口必须出现一条蓝线。这表明测试成功了。 4. 阅读结果只需2 分钟,您就可以读取清晰的+ 或 - 结果。 “+”(加号)符号表示您的结果为“怀孕” “-”(减号)符号表示您的结果为“未怀孕” 组成“+”符号的两条线中的一条比另一条更亮或更暗并不重要。 结果依然是‘怀孕’。
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