


whatsapp sticker 自製(保姆級教程)

华人网 2024-10-14 01:44

自制 WhatsApp 貼紙可以通過以下步驟實現: 步驟 1:設計貼紙 選擇工具:使用圖像編輯軟件(如 Photoshop、GIMP、Canva 或手機應用如 Procreate)設計你的貼紙。 尺寸:确保貼紙的尺寸爲 512 x 512 像素,背景透明。 格式:保存爲 PNG 格式,以保持透明背景。 步驟 2:創建貼紙包 下載應用:在手機上下載“Sticker Maker”或類似的應用。 創建新包:打開應用,選擇“創建新貼紙包”。 添加貼紙:上傳你設計的貼紙,通常需要至少 3 個貼紙才能創建包。 命名:爲你的貼紙包命名。 步驟 3:導入到 WhatsApp 導入:完成貼紙包後,應用會提供一個導入到 WhatsApp 的選項。 确認:點擊确認,貼紙包将自動添加到你的 WhatsApp 貼紙庫中。

Making your own WhatsApp stickers can be achieved through the following steps:

Step 1: Design stickers
Choose tools: Use image editing software (such as Photoshop, GIMP, Canva, or mobile phone apps like Procreate) to design your stickers.
Size: Ensure that the size of the sticker is 512 x 512 pixels with a transparent background.
Format: Save in PNG format to maintain the transparent background.

Step 2: Create a sticker pack
Download the app: Download an app like "Sticker Maker" or similar on your mobile phone.
Create a new pack: Open the app and select "Create a new sticker pack".
Add stickers: Upload the stickers you designed. Usually, at least 3 stickers are needed to create a pack.
Name: Name your sticker pack.

Step 3: Import to WhatsApp
Import: After completing the sticker pack, the app will provide an option to import to WhatsApp.
Confirm: Click confirm and the sticker pack will be automatically added to your WhatsApp sticker library.

Ensure that the sticker content complies with WhatsApp's usage policy.
You can try different design styles to increase the fun.




