加拿大签证:媒体报道:1-7月平均每月3727人被拒绝入境,7月为5853人,包括学签访签工签持有者;1月,2月,5月,6月访签的签证率低于50%,6月拒签率为疫情高峰以来最高。In July, Canada refused entry to 5,853 foreign
travellers, who were “allowed to leave,” as Canada puts it, and who include
students, workers and tourists, the most since at least January 2019, according
to border agency data that has not been previously reported.Border officers turned away 3,727 foreign
travellers per month on average through the first seven months of 2024, an
increase of 633 people or 20% from a year earlier.Separately, officers deemed 285 visa-holders
inadmissible in July, also the most in any month since at least January 2019,
the data showed.At the same time, Canada’s immigration department
is approving fewer visas.The ratio of refused visitor visa applications to
approved ones was higher in June than at any point since the height of the
pandemic. In January, February, May and June 2024, more applications were
refused than approved, according to immigration department data.The number of approved study and work permits also
dropped from multi-year highs in 2023 and 2022, respectively.“Canadians want a system that is not out of
control,” Immigration Minister Marc Miller said in August.Miller’s spokesperson said the immigration
department was “committed to a fair and non-discriminatory application of
immigration policy and procedures” and attributed the drop in study-permit
approvals to a cap announced in January. The decline appears to have begun last
year, however.加拿大对于各类签证的审理以及入境时候的要求对比之前要严格了。一个老学生离开加拿大去度假,之后在返回加拿大的时候被反复的询问学习和注册的情况,学生后来出示了给老师提交的作业等文件,证明学校的系统信息更新滞后,而学生一直在学习。最后才让顺利入境。最近也从新闻上看到很多,一些国家的人乘机抵达加拿大,被要求原路返回,或者做其他的特殊申请。因为这些人多数是利用访问签证长期的频繁往返,“临时居留”的签证成了长期居住和往返的证件了。之前也有学生和家长一起入境,因为比照入学的时间提前的时间太长,CBSA的问题比较多,而且严格,学生的父母之一被要求入境后尽快离境。IRCC也反复提醒过,有了签证并不能保证一定可以入境的,CBSA有最终的决定权。所以,无论是访问者入境,还是学生入境,还是要慎重,准备好相应的文件,便于出示和查询。对于老学生来说,在学校的注册和成绩等信息很重要,如果有负面的信息在系统里,则要有相应的解释文件。对于新学生来说,入境之前要把自己的信息都准备好,即将要去的学校的信息,专业的信息,自己的资金准备情况等,都要信手拈来。曾经见过一个学生,英语不是很好,连学校的名字都不会读,只好给做一个完整的行前指导和培训。对于探亲的,往返机票要准备好,一次居住的时间不能太长,等等。学生获签之后海关信体现了即将签发的学习许可的有效期,则一定照此执行吗?最近的一个学生,用2年的专科通知书来申请,海关信上显示的也是要给2年多的学习许可;但是学生考虑再三,换到3年的专科了,所以带了2个通知书,去美加边境,和CBSA进行了很好的沟通,结果按照新通知书给了一个3年多的学习许可。万事大吉。另外一个案例,学生的海关信上显示即将给的学习许可是4年的有效期,但是入境的时候,学生体现的英语水平不够好,结果只给签发了1年的学习许可,而不是预想中的4年。之后,学生还需要续签。